Training Solutions
Located in Newtown, Powys, we offer training in Business Administration, Child Care, Customer Services, Employability, Health and Social Care, Learning and Development, Management and Quality awards as well as literacy and numeracy qualifications.

Our Opportunities

We work with employers and Careers Wales to provide work experience/placements. We provide training at Level 1 Introduction to Health and Social Care (Adults, Children and Young People) and Early Years and Childcare.

Apprenticeships are an ideal way to attract new talent, funding could also be available to cover the full cost of the Apprentice’s training.

Courses 2021
Our courses are highly accessible and easy to use for learners of all abilities. We offer an engaging learning experience that motivates and inspires without the need for paper and textbooks.
Good To Excellent In LearnerOutcome Reports 80% - 90%
What Are
Traineeships are designed to help young people aged between 16 to 18 years old, in Wales, to prepare for employment or further learning and give them the chance to learn during placements with employers or community projects.
A Traineeship is there to help you if you’d like get the skills you need to get a job or to move on to further learning at a higher level, such as an Apprenticeship or Further Education.
• They help unemployed young people aged 16 to 18 in Wales to enter work or learning at a higher level.
• You do not need qualifications
• Training will be tailored to meet your needs
• You could go on to National Vocational Qualification Level 1 training, college or an Foundation Apprenticeship
Traineeships have 2 different levels to make sure that you get the support and encouragement you need to progress:

• This is for you if you are not sure what you want to do for a career or if you have certain barriers which prevent you from immediately taking part in employment or other learning. It will also prepare you for the world of work or full-time learning.
• Engagement might include work placements, community projects, or training at the premises of your place of learning to help get you ready. It can also help when you have been offered a job which is dependent on a work trial or pre-employment probationary period.
• You will need to attend between 12 and 21 hours per week for the Engagement level. However, part-time learning is available to fit your needs.
• On the Engagement option of a Traineeship you will be paid an allowance of £30 a week.

Level 1
• If you know what career at this level you want to follow and are ready and able to undertake full-time learning then you can access this level directly. Level 1 could also include work placements, community projects and training with your provider while you do an NVQ or other qualifications in the work area you have chosen.
• You will normally need to attend between 30 and 40 hours per week for Level 1, depending on what type of training you do. However, part-time learning is available to fit your needs.
• On a Level 1 options of a Traineeship you will get at least £50 per week, reduced for part-time attendance.

• This is for you if you are not sure what you want to do for a career or if you have certain barriers which prevent you from immediately taking part in employment or other learning. It will also prepare you for the world of work or full-time learning.
• Engagement might include work placements, community projects, or training at the premises of your place of learning to help get you ready. It can also help when you have been offered a job which is dependent on a work trial or pre-employment probationary period.
• You will need to attend between 12 and 21 hours per week for the Engagement level. However, part-time learning is available to fit your needs.
• On the Engagement option of a Traineeship you will be paid an allowance of £30 a week.

Level 1
• If you know what career at this level you want to follow and are ready and able to undertake full-time learning then you can access this level directly. Level 1 could also include work placements, community projects and training with your provider while you do an NVQ or other qualifications in the work area you have chosen.
• You will normally need to attend between 30 and 40 hours per week for Level 1, depending on what type of training you do. However, part-time learning is available to fit your needs.
• On a Level 1 options of a Traineeship you will get at least £50 per week, reduced for part-time attendance.

Health & Safety
We also provide short health and safety courses at our training centre in Newtown and design and deliver bespoke commercial training programmes for companies in-house.

We aim to deliver a fulfilling learner journey to prepare learners to contribute and be productive team members.

We believe in commitment, opportunity, respect and excellence in training.

We are committed to innovation in our teaching, research and outreach to our communities.

We aim to develop the skills of individuals wherever they work and whatever they do.

We are committed to self-improvement to achieve excellence in all our endeavours.

We believe in ensuring the highest standards of honesty, fairness and respect.
What They Thought
“I honestly cannot praise my assessor enough. They have changed my opinion on learning and I feel like I can achieve anything. Before transferring to my assessor I hated doing this and was doing it because my job depended on it. Now even before I have completed it I am thinking about continuing on to something else. City in Guilds needs more assessors like who I had and I am sure you would have less people dropping out of the program. I hope this feedback reaches the correct person within City in Guilds.”